Monday, September 21, 2009

For the first row of the contact sheet I dealt with resolution and DPI. The higher the resolution the clearer the picture is. To make things easier I found a picture on of a sailboat that was already 1200. I then downloaded it onto my desktop and then into photoshop. Once in Photoshop I went to image and image size to change the height of the picture to one inch. Then I changed the resolution from 1200 to 600 and placed the image in the correct spot and to 300 and 72. In between each I saved the image to the desktop and them pulled it into the contact sheet

For the second row I seleced an image with a lot of color. I then put my image of colorful flowers into photoshop where I went to view and found it was already in CMYK. I then changed it from CMYK to RGB. For Duotone I had to change it to greyscale and make sure that it was a pdf and not jpeg. I then changed one of the colors to bright pink. Black and white was easy because all I had to do was change it to greyscale and I was done.

For the third row I chose an image that was already longer than it was tall so that I could just use the original image as my portrait after changing the height to one inch. I then changed the dimensions of the images through the image size feature and made the image into a square and then portrait.

The fourth row was about zooming in and cropping the picture. I made the Picture one inch by one inch and put one and one in the height and width up top. I then cropped and clicked twice and the image automatically fixed itself.

For the fifth line I did pretty much the same thing, I just chose a picture that was less concrete and by the end of editing you do not know that it is a windowsill.

The sixth line was my favorite. I chose a red panda bear for no apparent reason other than it was a high resolution and a huge picture. It doesn't show the differences as much as I would like but it was sufficient so I stuck with it. I shrunk the picture down in photo shop to a one inch height and put the original i the first box or the "journalistic" box. I then went into filter and selected the different types of brush strokes I needed and inserted the image.

Font Poem

For my font poem I came across a Dave Matthews Band quote that was about relaxing and not letting your worries get the best of you. I picked it because most of the time, I am stressed out about one thing or another and can get very flustered. Which is why the glichs in this class really get to me and I am so easily frustrated. When I get to a point that I am very frustrated it is difficult for me to take a step back and focus on what needs to be done. This quote reminds me to take time to take a deep breathe, and my worries are not as important as they may seem.

The Mac computer in the library that I am currently using will not let me open my font poem, even though I made my font poem on this exact same computer about a week ago. Therefore, I do not know exactly which fonts I used but I can recall in general what I did from memory. For the word "relax" I chose a cool color blue that reminds me of peacefulness and made it in the font that resembled what i looked like in that 80's song " Relax, don't do it" music video. For the words "trouble" and "worries" I thought a fire engine red would work because it is a color that symbolizes both anger and panic. For the word "weight" I chose a light gray to remind readers of a weight in a gym. I then manipulated the word in a way that made it look as though something was pulling it down so it looked heavy.

I didn't encounter too many problems with this assignment. I thought it was rather easy and a great way to introduce us to working with layers before we attempted our collage. I am most proud that I made it through an assignment without getting frustrated, mostly because the contact sheet was challenging for me.

If I had had more time I would have changed my quote all together. When I heard that we were going to make collages that had to do with our font poems I wanted to change my font poem all together to a quote by Mae West about never burning bridges and then do parts of my body from all the different sports I have done and maybe some from my graduation to symbolize where I have been and that I value all the friendships I have made.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Intro to Photoshop contact sheet MOCKUP

I have had some previous experience with photoshop dealing with editing pictures so I was not completely lost, but I had never done it in this depth.

I was hoping to achieve a contact sheet that made the differences between each picture apparent. So far I feel like I have achieved my goal. Some pictures that I chose from morgfilm or google image did not work for the assignment. For instance One that I wanted to use was not colorful enough for the second row and It was hard to find one with the right number of pixels for the top row.

I did not find this assignment difficult, I got through it was relative ease and I thought you explained it well but didn't make it too easy. I thought it was a great way to introduce us to photoshop and feel like I have a good grasp on what we have learned so far in the first two rows.