Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Intro to Photoshop contact sheet MOCKUP

I have had some previous experience with photoshop dealing with editing pictures so I was not completely lost, but I had never done it in this depth.

I was hoping to achieve a contact sheet that made the differences between each picture apparent. So far I feel like I have achieved my goal. Some pictures that I chose from morgfilm or google image did not work for the assignment. For instance One that I wanted to use was not colorful enough for the second row and It was hard to find one with the right number of pixels for the top row.

I did not find this assignment difficult, I got through it was relative ease and I thought you explained it well but didn't make it too easy. I thought it was a great way to introduce us to photoshop and feel like I have a good grasp on what we have learned so far in the first two rows.

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