Sunday, December 13, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

The top Bind and Blow card was made in quark. I started with the most tedious part which was the lines. I made individual rectangles and then pieced them together. It went faster than I had anticipated and was rather easy once i had figured out the colors to put in the swatches.
I used calibri size twelve for the red part underneath the lines. I used calibri size 8 for the Name, address, city, state, and zipcode and size six for the fine print at the bottom. The line tool was useful in quark and i used that to make the lines for the name and address part.

The bottom one was made in indesign. For whatever reason I seemed to find better colors to match up with my card on indesign. I basically did everything the same except that I didn't use the line tool for the lines. instead i just made texts boxs and clicked underline and made a line that way. The line tool was hard to use on indesign and got very frustrating because it would break as you expanded it and was almost impossible to get to be a straight line. for that reason I did the back of my bind and blow card on Quark.

Monday, November 23, 2009

New Leaf webpage

For the mock website my partner, Jessica Smith, did the main website for The New Leaf hair studio. I chose to do a second page off of that main page so I did hair the hair care page under the services tab. I decided to keep the New Leaf Hair studio logo in the same spot as the main page. I changed the color of the specific tab i was on and moved the tab services above the other tabs and hair care to the right of the other tabs. I thought that would make it easy for the user to know where to go and specifically what they are looking at. I kept the font consistent with the main page and made the main topics a bigger font. Everything is all caps besides the information under the categories. I thought this was a good idea because the categories liek color and hair cuts let the user pay attention to what they are specifically looking for, and the lowercase services listed underneath are easy to read.

The New Leaf Brochure

For the brochure my partner Jessica Smith and I decided to do a local spa. I did the inside pages that listed the nail care face services and hair care. In indesign we made the gradient a light shade of green and the other color white so the brochure made the spa seem fresh, clean, and relaxing. For our font we decided to use Utopia std for out font because it fit with the theme of relaxation at the spa and was also legible. I got down all the information and filled in the white space with pictures I had taken a screen shot off of of the New Leaf website. I put them into photoshop and clicked on duplicate layer to my brochure. I then moved them to where I wanted to be via the tool on the side.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Adele concert poster

For my Concert poster I decided to do Adele. Adele is a very classic and neat kind of performer and I regret making that choice because my poster is plain. But if I had made it cluttered and crazier it would have clashed with the kind of music she makes. Her real world posters are very straight forward and simple so I figured I would go with that theme.

It was my first thought to make it black and white and leave her eyes green and her lips pink, but I couldn't find a way to do that and instead changed the image into an artistic brush stroke on photoshop.

I then put it into quark and found a unique but legible font and put the text over the picture.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Powerpoint design rational

For my powerpoint I was first going to do the spice girls, but I wanted to make it more dramatic so I changed my mind and did Lady Gaga, sorry professor Shiebler! I know you're not a fan.

For my first slide I chose a picture of Lady Gaga in animal print with a painted blue mark on her face. I tried to get my font color as close as possible to the blue on her face and used apple chancery for my font. I think it is a nice legible font, but it is also funky and girly like Lady Gaga.

For the second slide I chose a picture of Lady Gaga's profile with giant headphones on. She has bright pink lipstick on so keeping with the theme of the previous slide I tried to match the color of the font with her lipstick. I made the background black and had the facts come up in order around her head. I used calabri for font which is boring but safe and easy to read. since the facts were appearing and then dissapearing I wanted to choose a very easy on the eyes font so that people could read them fast and they wouldn't miss any of the facts.

For the third slide I chose the cover of "the fame" because it is bold and again made my background black. Again I chose lucida bright, an easy to read font because I wanted it to be easy to read so that I didn't have to spend much time on this slide because reading track names is kinda boring.

For the fifth slide I made a bad mistake by not making individual text boxes so that the facts and categories could come in one at a time. I should have redone this slide but other assignments and time didn't allow me to do so. I think I spent enough time on this slide so that everyone could at least read everything on the slide before it transitioned.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

video animation and collage

to make my collage I took screen shots of different parts of my body off of facebook. I then put then in photoshop and used the magnetic lasso tool to cut out parts of the picture I did not need. I then put the images of each part of my body and put them together in a way that looked real. I decided to put my collage of myself over a background of a sunset because it symbolizes serenity which reflects my quote. 

To make my collage a movie I went to animation and used to tool at the bottom of the screen. I made sure the eye on the layers was on one layer at a time and made the seconds between each layer .5 . I then copy and pasted the collage onto the font poem, which was too small but I decided I liked it that way. I then saved it as a quicktime player video and put it onto my blog.